Handlingen utspelar sig år 866 och kretsar kring Uhtred, som är född som saxare men växer upp som viking efter att ha blivit bortrövad av en dansk vikingahövding som ung. I vuxen ålder är hans mål att ta tillbaka de landområden som hans familj en gång ägde.
Avsnitt 1
S01E01 59 minuter
Abducted by a Viking warlord after his father is slain in battle, young Uhtred adopts the Norse way of life until tragedy befalls his new family.
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Avsnitt 2
S01E02 58 minuter
Caught between his scheming uncle Ælfric and pitiless Viking warlord Ubba, Uhtred goes on the run and seeks out Alfred, the man who would be king.
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Avsnitt 3
S01E03 58 minuter
Uhtred allies himself with newly crowned Alfred, but his commitment to the nascent king jeopardizes his bond with Brida.
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Avsnitt 4
S01E04 57 minuter
King Alfred keeps Uhtred close with a tactical play, but Uhtred soon realizes he's been tricked. Meanwhile, a great battle looms over Wessex.
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Avsnitt 5
S01E05 58 minuter
Uhtred volunteers to attack Danish ships, but challenges Ubba in the process as the Danes threaten Wessex.
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Avsnitt 6
S01E06 58 minuter
Uhtred leads a raiding party to Cornwall on a mission for wealth and independence and attracts the attention of a beautiful sorceress queen.
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Avsnitt 7
S01E07 58 minuter
As a consequence of their actions in Cornwall, Uhtred and Leofric face off in a death match. The Danes launch an invasion of Wessex.
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Avsnitt 8
S01E08 58 minuter
A united King Alfred and Uhtred leave the cover of the marshes and make a rallying call to all Saxon armies.
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