Kampen om tungtvannet

Kampen om tungtvannet

2 säsonger201545 min / EpisodDrama
S01Säsong 1
6 avsnitt

Kampen om Tungtvannet utspelar sig vid upptakten, utbrottet och avslutningen av andra världskriget. Vi följer historien om vem som blir först med att utveckla atomvapen. Den tyska nobelpristagaren i fysik, Werner Heisenberg, får till uppgift att utveckla atombomben åt nazisterna och har behov av tungt vatten, som endast framställs av Norsk Hydro vid Vemork, till reaktorn som han ska bygga.

Kampen om tungtvannet - Anv EJ S01E01
45 minuter
During the second world war, Nobel price winner Werner Heisenberg is the head of the nazis atomic project. Heisenberg needs heavy water for the reactor he is building, only produced by Norwegian Hydro at Vemork. The creator of the heavy water factory, scientist and resistance fighter Leif Tronstad, come to be sucpicious of the german purchase of heavy water and contacts English intelligence.
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Kampen om tungtvannet - Anv EJ S01E02
45 minuter
Leif Tronstad assembles a sabotage group named Grouse. The aim is to assist the English commandos to blow up the water plant at Vemork. In Germany, Werner Heisenberg continues his work on the atomic reactor. Grouse is dropped over Hardangervidda and prepare a landing for the Englishmen.
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Kampen om tungtvannet - Anv EJ S01E03
45 minuter
The English mission fails and the allies now wants to bomb the heavy water plant. Leif Tronstad persuades them to submit a Norwegian special force group to blow up the factory. Tronstad collect saboteurs, name the group Gunnerside and start training.
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Kampen om tungtvannet - Anv EJ S01E04
45 minuter
Gunnerside lands on Hardangervidda and joins grouse. The twentyseventh of February, 1943, the 9 saboteurs skies down the mountain in the direction of Vemork to blow up the heavy water plant.
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Kampen om tungtvannet - Anv EJ S01E05
45 minuter
The Germans are hard at work rebuilding the heavy water factory after the sabotage. CEO Henriksen at Norwegian Hydro discovers that he is dangerously close to be labeled as a war collaborator and tries negotiate his way out. In England the Americans decide to bomb Rjukan and the factory at Vemork.
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Kampen om tungtvannet - Anv EJ S01E06
45 minuter
The Germans decide to move the heavy water factory to Germany and the allies once again decide to sabotage the German plan. Leif Tronstad arrives back in Norway to conduct operation "Sunshine".
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Per-Olav Sørensen
Per-Olav Sørensen
Andreas Döhler
Andreas Döhler
Anna Friel
Anna Friel
Espen Klouman Høiner
Espen Klouman Høiner
Dennis Storhoj
Dennis Storhoj
Dennis Storhøi
Dennis Storhøi
Maibritt Saerens
Maibritt Saerens


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