The Mentalist

The Mentalist

7 sesonger2008 - 201445 min / EpisodeThriller, Drama, Krim
S01Sesongen 1
23 episoder
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The Mentalist er en amerikansk dramaserie som følger det tidligere mediet Patrick Jane, som nå jobber som konsulent for California Bureau of Investigation og bruker sine høyt utviklede observasjonsferdigheter som han tidligere brukte til å "lese" folks tanker for å løse forbrytelser.

S01E01 45 minutter
Patrick og Teresa etterforsker mordet på kona til en profesjonell golfspiller og hennes lege. Det kan se ut som om den skyldige er Red John, en seriemorder som drepte Patricks kone og datter for flere år siden. Men Patrick er ikke overbevist om at Red John står bak, og fokuserer på de andre mistenkte i saken.
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Red Hair and Silver Tape
S01E02 45 minutter
While Lisbon and her team investigate the murder of a young waitress in the Napa Valley, Jane goes behind Lisbon's back to orchestrate his own undercover operation using Van Pelt as bait.
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Red Tide
S01E03 45 minutter
When a high school girl's body washes up on the beach, Patrick Jane sets a mentalist trap in order to get her surfing friends to turn on each other and reveal what really happened.
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Ladies in Red
S01E04 45 minutter
En velstående finansmann blir funnet myrdet, og det viser seg at mannen levde et dobbeltliv og svindlet kundene sine for millioner av dollar. Patrick Jane prøver å lokke de mistenkte i saken til å avsløre seg.
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S01E05 45 minutter
En jente blir funnet med blodflekker på klærne og mordvåpenet som drepte hennes beste venn i hånden. Hun blir hovedmistenkt i saken, til tross for at hun ikke kan huske noe. Patrick Jane tror jenta er uskyldig, og prøver å vekke hukommelsen hennes til live.
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Red Handed
S01E06 45 minutter
Under etterforskningen av mordet på en casinoeier bruker Patrick Jane sine spesielle evner til å fange morderen og vinne stort i kortspill.
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Seeing Red
S01E07 45 minutter
En kvinne blir påkjørt og drept, og Patrick Jane fatter interesse for kvinnens synske rådgiver som påstår at hun forutså dødsfallet. Patrick er ikke overbevist, og mener at rådgiveren er en svindler.
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The Thin Red Line
S01E08 45 minutter
Et vitne i rettssaken mot en narkolanger og kjæresten hans blir funnet drept på et hotellrom. Politiet mistenker narkolangeren for å stå bak mordene, men Patrick Jane er uenig.
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Flame Red
S01E09 45 minutter
Patrick Jane suspects the only surviving member of a National Guard unit of murdering his friends - and goes undercover to prove it.
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Red Brick and Ivy
S01E10 45 minutter
When a leading scientific researcher is killed by poisoning, Patrick Jane takes a personal interest in the case when he learns the prime suspect is the victim's wife - and Jane's former psychiatrist.
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Red John's Friends
S01E11 45 minutter
Enticed by the promise from a convicted murder that he'll reveal information about Red John upon his release, Patrick Jane becomes singularly focused and quits the CBI in order to prove the prisoner is innocent.
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Red Rum
S01E12 45 minutter
Patrick Jane sets a mentalist trap to find out who is responsible for the murder of a high school boy who antagonized the local self-proclaimed witch by killing her cat.
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Paint It Red
S01E13 45 minutter
While it appears obvious that a business tycoon's son-in-law was in on the robbery of a $50 million painting since his body is found where the painting once hung, Patrick Jane suspects others, including a Russian oil baron, an art forger and an art curator.
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Crimson Casanova
S01E14 45 minutter
With Patrick Jane's help, Cho goes undercover as a sweet-talking ladies man with all the right moves in order to catch a pick-up artist and killer with his own set of pseudo-mentalist techniques.
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Scarlett Fever
S01E15 45 minutter
As Jane and the team investigate the poisoning death of the "queen bee" in a country club, they discover that the community is full of secrets, including love affairs and drug abuse
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S01E16 45 minutter
Patrick Jane must rely on his other senses during the murder investigation of a financial advisor when he loses his sight as a result of an explosion.
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Carnelian Inc.
S01E17 45 minutter
A story of greed and betrayal pits Patrick Jane against a group of financiers when the CBI investigates a series of murders at a corporate retreat in the wilds of the Sierra Nevada foothills.
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Russet Potatoes
S01E18 45 minutter
Patrick Jane and the CBI team track down a mastermind who hypnotizes people into doing their bidding.
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A Dozen Red Roses
S01E19 45 minutter
Patrick Jane and the team go to Hollywood when they investigate the murder of a movie producer.
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Red Sauce
S01E20 45 minutter
Patrick Jane and the CBI team investigate the murder of a mobster who was in the witness protection program.
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Miss Red
S01E21 60 minutter
Den administrerende direktøren for et datafirma forsvinner fra yachten sin, og Jane og CBI blir bedt om å etterforske saken.
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Blood Brothers
S01E22 45 minutter
Patrick Jane må overtale en gruppe ungdommer til å fortelle hva som egentlig skjedde da en av medelevene deres døde.
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Red John's Footsteps
S01E23 45 minutter
CBI etterforsker mordet på en ung jente og kidnappingen av tvillingsøsteren hennes. Lisbon har mistanke om at Red John prøver å lure Jane i en felle.
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Rollebesetning og mannskap

David Barrett
David Barrett
Charles Beeson
Charles Beeson
David Nutter
David Nutter
Chris Long
Chris Long
Simon Baker
Simon Baker
Rockmond Dunbar
Rockmond Dunbar
Robin Tunney
Robin Tunney
Owain Yeoman
Owain Yeoman
Amanda Righetti
Amanda Righetti


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