S01Sesongen 1
6 episoder
En skarpsindig FBI-agent med en dunkel fortid reiser til den lille byen Haven, Maine, for å løse mordet på en tidligere fange fra disse traktene. Hun vil snart få oppdage at den underlige lille enklaven er et fristed for mennesker med overnaturlige evner, alle med hver sine egne hemmeligheter, og kanskje nøklene til hennes?
Welcome to Haven
S01E01 120 minutter
FBI agent Audrey Parker travels to the town of Haven to investigate the death of an escaped prisoner who fled to his hometown. She soon discovers the man's death is merely the tip of a very large iceberg of supernatural phenomena.
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S01E02 80 minutter
Audrey remains in Haven to investigate her mother's connection to the Colorado Kid, but ends up working with Nathan to determine the cause of a mysterious series of incidents that involve butterflies and otherworldly phenomena centered on a angry reverend, his passive daughter, and her foster son.
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S01E03 80 minutter
A plague of insanity strikes at a local hospital, causing the doctors to go insane... and the patients to become normal. Audrey and Nathan seek to discover the cause before it spreads further.
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S01E04 80 minutter
Haven is stricken by a mysterious plague when animals and plants alike are destroyed by exposure to hydrochloric acid with no discernible source.
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Ball and Chain
S01E05 80 minutter
Young men in Haven start aging at an accelerated rate, and Audrey and Nathan attempt to find the source.
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S01E06 80 minutter
A series of fatal animal attacks lead Audrey and Nathan to investigate a local woman who supports animal rights. However, they soon discover that while she may not be Troubled, the person responsible is... and Chief Wournos is the next target.
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