Hitler - The Rise and Fall

Hitler - The Rise and Fall

1 kautta201647 min / JaksoDokumentti
S01Kausi 1
6 jaksoa
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Kuinka yksinäisestä nuoresta pojasta kehittyi miljoonien rakastama ja pelkäämä diktaattori? Kuusiosaisen sarjan jokainen jakso tutkii yhtä Hitlerin elämän olennaista käännekohtaa. Sarja alkaa nuoruusvuosista Itävallassa ja ulottuu kautta vuosikymmenten aina miehen viimeisiin päiviin ja pakopaikkaan berliiniläisbunkkeriin.

Hitler - The Rise and Fall S01E01
47 minuuttia
The first episode explores the first three decades of Hitler's life, examining the spin, willpower and ruthlessness that drove an Austrian dropout to become the undisputed leader of the Nazi party
Alkaen€ 1.50
Hitler - The Rise and Fall S01E02
47 minuuttia
How did Hitler rise from right-wing crank to Germany's Messiah and Fuhrer by 1933? This episode explores his pioneering spin, speech-making skills and deadly ruthlessness - and his personal paranoia.
Alkaen€ 1.50
Hitler - The Rise and Fall S01E03
47 minuuttia
This episode looks inside Hitler's mind as he tightens his iron grip on Germany and turns his sights to conquest, becoming increasingly self-indulgent as his vision of himself as a heroic leader grows
Alkaen€ 1.50
Hitler - The Rise and Fall S01E04
47 minuuttia
This episode examines Hitler's transformation into the megalomaniac Nazi messiah responsible for the global carnage of World War II, as he invades Poland, France and Russia
Alkaen€ 1.50
Hitler - The Rise and Fall S01E05
47 minuuttia
As the tide of war turns against Hitler, he accelerates the holocaust and sacrifices millions of lives on the eastern front, while retreating into drug addiction in his palatial country home
Alkaen€ 1.50
Hitler - The Rise and Fall S01E06
47 minuuttia
The final episode explores Hitler's mental and physical decline as he was forced to confront inevitable defeat in the depths of his bunker in Berlin
Alkaen€ 1.50


Stan Griffin
Stan Griffin
Sebastian Grey
Sebastian Grey
Mark Lisseman
Mark Lisseman
Adam Wittek
Adam Wittek


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